A New Generation of Cold Chain Equipment Launched in Morocco

Vaccine safety has attracted continuous attention across all countries as the pandemic developed, especially for Morocco, the upgrading of the countries vaccine cold chain allows for no further delays in meeting the standard for vaccine safe storage.

Previously, compared with developed and some developing countries, Morocco's cold chain system was inadequate, and health centers in all regions across the country generally stored vaccines in household refrigerators, which can’t ensure the safety and effectiveness of vaccines which results lower vaccination rates and efficacy.

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Hence, the Moroccan government decided to upgrade the cold chain equipment across the country to improve the vaccination rate and the national immunity levels. This is the first large-scale upgrade of the Moroccan cold chain system, and it is of great significance to safeguarding people's lives and health and promoting social stability and development.

With support from UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) and USAID (United States Agency for International Development), the Moroccan Government has received the first batch of vaccine refrigerators from Haier Biomedical.

Designed with chlorofluorocarbon-free high-density foam for insulation, the product meets UNICEF Grade A anti-freezing standards.

What’s worth mentioning is that, apart from meeting the needs of the Moroccan health centers, Haier Biomedical’s vaccine refrigerator is also combined with RTMD device (Remote Temperature Monitoring Device). It can detect, record, and manage the temperature in real time. Additionally, it is also designed with remote alarm system, which will notify the working staff if any abnormality, thus maximum guarantee vaccine safety.

Haier Biomedical’s overseas after-sales team has conducted professional training for professionals in various health centers in Morocco to ensure that they can independently manage the vaccines during the use of the vaccine refrigerators.

Such vaccine refrigerators have come into service in various health centers across Morocco, and all of them have been prequalified according to the PQS standards. These efforts will help further improve the health of Moroccan children by strengthening the vaccination system. Also, they will help respond to changes in the COVID-19 pandemic and advance global immunization.